6 Simple Ways To Help Stop Climate Change

I’m all about being a hot girl, but not when it comes to climate change. Like the thought of it becoming so hot where the Earth becomes inhabitable actually fucking terrifies me. While I have always done my part to recycle and have even done volunteer work to plant trees in my local community, I want to do more & use this blog as a platform to extend my reach (even if that reach may be small). Despite that many old habits die hard (I can majorly attest to this), I have complied a list of a couple easy things you can incorporate into your daily life that can make a positive impact on the planet & to everyone’s quality of life!

  • Eat less dairy and meat products

  • While that burger may taste delicious, the process that it took to get on your dinner plate has actually negatively impacted the environment. Not only do cows require significant water supplies in order to live and grow, they also produce around 14.5% of the world’s greenhouse gasses (aka methane, which is more toxic than CO2). While eating less meat and dairy is a positive, a lot of people may opt for options like Impossible meat, which is plant-based, but although I am not a scientist, I personally would not eat these products because I personally think it is unnatural to eat food that is engineered in a lab to taste and have an almost identical appearance to actual meat (aka genetically modified). Also, some of Impossible meat’s main ingredients are oil and soy, which are not the best for the body.

  • Use a reusable water bottle

    Even though this is so simple and people always preach this, this actually makes such a difference by cutting down the amount plastic that is being used/produced. Literally the other day my boyfriend and I were watching tv on the couch and he used a disposable water bottle instead of a glass, and I’m not joking when I say that I literally gave him a lecture about why he shouldn’t be using a plastic water bottle, especially in the house. Although sometimes when you are out and about & you have no other choice than to use/buy a plastic water bottle, always try to make a conscious effort to use a reusable bottle.

  • Plant trees and more plants

    Due the intense amounts of pollution and just the fact that living beings emit co2, we need more plants that will be able to absorbs this gas and transform it into oxygen. According to many scientists, if enough trees are planted and properly taken care of so that they can thrive, this could majorly slow the harsh effects of climate change.

  • Limit electricity usage

    The amount of electricity that is used to power all of the things that we use is actually extremely detrimental. Especially when using air-conditioning/heating this causes so much toxic gases to be produced. By cutting back on how much electricity you’re using, you are helping to do your part & this can also help you save money too! Even making sure to turn the lights off in rooms you’re not using or making sure to layer up a little extra in the winter instead of turning on the heater can make a major difference.

  • Keep food waste to a minimum

    Believe it or not, when you waste food, it can actually take a horrible affect on the planet. Because there is such a lack of oxygen at landfills, food waste turns into polluted, methane gas when it breaks down. This really shocked me when I found this out because every time I used to see food get thrown out, I just assumed it naturally decomposed. Knowing the truth of what really happens, to reduce food waste, try to only buy as much food as you may need for a given amount of time & also learn how to properly dispose of this type of waste. For example, you can start your own compost or even find out if there is a compost in your area that you can drop off your food waste at. By composting, you are not only limiting the amount of toxic gas being created, but also creating vitamin-rich soil that can be used to allow new plants to grow in.

  • Shop local

    While not every area may have a farmer’s market, make sure to support it if you do happen to have one near by! Even though shopping at the grocery store may seem like the easier option, many of the produce that is purchased there has been shipped/transported from all over the world, which can actually leave a big carbon footprint. In contrast, when supporting local vendors and farmers, they only have to travel a shorter distance to bring you fresh products that are in season. Also, who doesn’t love a good farmer’s market moment & being able to support small businesses in your area!


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