The Top 10 Ultimate Girl Dinners

In case you haven’t been on TikTok recently, one of the latest trends that has emerged is the infamous “girl dinner.” Although the concept behind girl dinner is not necessarily new, someone has finally come up with a funny and accurate way of labeling it. While there is not one specific food that makes a “girl dinner,” it is essentially a meal we all have from time to time when we are either feeling too lazy to cook, don’t have a ton of cohesive ingredients at home, or we just can’t decide on one thing to particularly to eat. It honestly differs from person to person, but you can’t say we all haven’t been there at one point. With that being said, here are the top 10 ultimate girl dinners:

1. A salad & a side of fries

The most elite combo.

2. Going to a restaurant and only ordering a bunch of different appetizers instead of getting an individual main course

A girl needs options… okay

3. These grocery store cookies

This is by no means an actually meal, but if you don’t like these cookies….BYE

4. An assortment of whatever cheeses and meats you have in the fridge with some crackers

Extra points if you’re just eating shredded cheese out of the bag

5. A random box of different cuisines from the grocery store hot bar

Tell me why I always end up with some mac & cheese, a few pieces of orange chicken, a singular meatball, pasta salad, and a samosa. The food really couldn’t clash more with each other, but it just tastes so right.

6. Sugarfish to-go


7. Ice cream right out of the container

My mom would slap me if she new I was eating ice cream out of the carton, but I’m not trying to have more dishes to clean lol

8. Bread topped with an inch of butter

This is more of a girl snack, but it still deserves to make the list. I’ll also add pesto if I’m feeling fancy.

9. Breakfast for dinner

The absolute best.

10. The Emily Mariko TikTok Salmon Bowl

I don’t care that this trend happened almost 3 years ago. This bowl changed my life and has been a staple in my diet ever since.


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