Justice For the Horses of NYC

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LISTEN UP! While many movies and television shows enjoy romanticizing the horse carriages that pull people around NYC, especially during the holiday season, people are neglecting the fact that these horses are literally being ABUSED. Not only are these horses being overworked, they are also being subjected to poor working conditions, such as dangerous weather & continuing to be rode despite having injuries. Not to mention, it’s literally unnatural for horses to be working in that kind of environment to begin with. Even when talking about this issue to my boyfriend, who is from Spain, he also mentioned that horses are forced to pull people in carriages there too & he has even seen one fall over due to exhaustion. It’s actually ridiculous that animals are allowed to be treated this way, even though there are supposed to be laws to regulate these kinds of problems. In order to allow these horses to get the justice they deserve and protect them from having to endure any more of this mistreatment in the city, please take the time to sign this petition on the Voters for Animal Rights Website <3


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