Why You Should Own Being Single

I feel like I see and hear so many girls talking about wanting a relationship or trying to get back with their toxic fling/ex, but many people often forget that being single is the ultimate power move. Despite that I am currently in a relationship, being single was honestly the most fun time ever and truly allowed me to self reflect and evaluate the things I wanted, both in my personal life and romantically. Because I just worried about myself and wasn’t looking for anything in particular, that’s what ultimately led me to being in a super healthy relationship and finding a person who I can literally always have fun with, confide in, and discover new things with. Although sometimes it can feel difficult to be single when it feels like so many other people are coupled up or that guy you have a crush will literally do anything but commit, I have compiled a list of all the reason why you should embrace being a SINGLE ASS BITCH.

  • You can focus on yourself and self-improving. Go to the gym, start that healthy eating you kept putting off, meditate, get your hair done. When you’re single, the world is literally your oyster and improving yourself literally changes your entire approach to life in a positive way. Most importantly, you are doing it for YOU.

  • You have more time to hang with your girlfriends & also make new friends. Guys come and go, but your girl friends are forever. When you get in a relationship, you often have less time to hang with your close friends, let alone nurturing new friendships. Take the time while you’re single to hang out with your friends as much as possible and meet new people. You’ll never be as young and hot as you are in this moment, so take advantage of that and do fun things with your friends when you don’t have to worry about a guy you’re dating being up your ass 24/7.

  • You can focus on your occupational and career goals. Literally start working on what you want to do occupationally now and your future relationship can work around your job, not vice versa. If you’re young and a student, like me, having a job is not as important, but make sure you’re keeping your grades up. Relationships can take a lot of your mental energy and be distraction from your real goals, so take the time while you are single to have a clear plan of action, career-wise. Eventually the right person will be there to cheer you on and support you, not pull you away from what you are trying to achieve.

  • You don’t have to constantly report back to anyone or worry about what they’re doing. If you’re not in a relationship, you don’t have to worry about your significant other doing shady shit (aka one less problem to worry about). Also, you don’t have to constantly feel like you need to let another person know about your whereabouts, which is a win if you’re a super independent person.

  • You can literally do WHATEVER YOU WANT. No one is stopping you from anything and you also don’t have to worry about hurting anther person’s feelings. Being single allows you to narrow down what you want in a partner, so putting yourself out there and talking lots of different people helps you to get closer to finding the person that’s truly right for you. Or you honestly don’t have to talk to any guys (or whatever type of people you’re into) at all! Stop talking to those losers who don’t give you the time of day or ones that keeping feeding you empty promises. They aren’t worth your time and, since you’re single, you luckily have no obligations to them! Have fun and worry about yourself & everything will fall into place naturally.


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