Why Sea Moss Gel Is the Hottest Thing in Wellness Right Now

In case you are not already on TikTok, I feel like everyone has been talking about sea moss gel and all of the health benefits that it has to offer. The first time I actually tried it was in the popular Hailey Bieber Ererwhon smoothie and I figured that just having it once probably doesn’t make a huge difference. But, as I did more research about it, I realized how amazing including this in your diet really is for you! While many brands sell sea moss gel, I actually bought mine from the farmer’s market from this company, called Nova Sage, and ever since I started having it everyday (I like adding 1-2 tablespoons in my tea or in smoothies. Also, it’s completely flavorless so it doesn’t alter the taste of whatever you add it into.), I honestly noticed such a huge difference in my skin and overall energy levels. I really just wanted to share the knowledge with all of you because who doesn’t want to be healthier and more beautiful?! So here are some of the benefits of sea moss gel:

  • it contains a total of 92 essential vitamins and minerals out of the 102 that we need (Is that not the most insane thing ever)

  • it is anti-inflammatory

  • boosts immunity

  • beneficial for skin and hair growth

  • helps with digestion

  • boosts libido

  • it is an antioxidant

  • it can help to regulate blood sugar

  • helps to boost metabolism

  • can help improve energy levels

  • can help with recovery after working out

All of this sounds like a magic elixir to me lol. Sign me up. But, also remember that everything good still needs to be taken in moderation!


My Purple Piña Colada Smoothie Recipe
