4 Key Principles to Stay In Your It-Girl Energy

Anyone can be an it-girl if they want to be, but it’s all about having the right mindset. Here are the four principles to remember if you want to truly radiate this type of energy.

I’m in charge of my own happiness.

No matter what happens in your life, it is on you to create your own joy. When you constantly rely on other people or outside factors to bring you happiness, you are deliberately taking away your own control and are setting yourself up to potentially feel depleted/disappointed if someone or something does not show up in the way that you are hoping. By taking matters into your own hands and making the conscious effort to do things that will make you feel happy and grow as a person, this feeling will never be able to be taken away from you.

Other people’s opinions about me are none of my business.

People will always have something to say, but their words mean nothing when you know who you are. Especially because no one in the whole world knows you better than yourself, another person’s thoughts or opinions about you will never actually hold any weight in determining your value. And, at the end of the day, if people are taking time out of their day to talk about you, it says way more about them than it does about you. Let people talk all they want, it’s your duty to just keep shining regardless.

I don’t chase after other people.

Why chase after other people when you can be chasing after your goals? Always use your time wisely because anyone who is truly meant to be in your life will be there and shouldn’t need you to go out of their way to convince them. Desperate energy is NEVER the vibe. When you stop trying to seek validation from other people and instead give this approval to yourself on your own, this will naturally just start attracting people to you. Also, sometimes people are just in our lives for a certain season and that’s perfectly okay.

What’s meant for me will add value to my life.

Anything that is genuinely meant for you will elevate your life in some way, whether it brings you peace, happiness, inspiration, or knowledge. The more you stop trying to fit into situations that are not serving you or are just not aligned with who you are, the faster you will be able to flourish on the correct path. While yes there are always going to obstacles along any journey, if a situation is only leaving you stressed and unfulfilled, it’s probably time to walk away, even if it may feel difficult at first.


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