How to Avoid Guys Who Just Aren’t It

While dating can have you feeling on a high at times, it can also be mentally exhausting when you find yourself coming across guys who just aren’t bringing the right energy. Although it can feel discouraging, the good news is that you ultimately hold the the power when it comes to determining who has the ability to enter your life. Here are our easy tips to protect yourself from all of the guys who aren’t it, so you’ll be ready and available for when your dream guy enters your life.

Have High Standards & Actually Stick to Them

It’s one thing to know what qualities you’re looking for in a potentially partner, but it is equally, or even more, important that you actually enforce these non-negotiables. The minute someone starts exhibiting behaviors that no longer align with the type of person you want to be with, you have to shut it down immediately. Too often we feel the need to bend our standards just because someone may seem like they have “potential,” but this typically just ends up biting us in the ass in the end. The right person will know how to come correct.

Just Being “Nice” Doesn’t Cut It

Although being nice is an amazing attribute for someone to have, it does not necessarily mean that they possess the right qualities to be a good partner for you. While someone might be kind-hearted, it’s crucial to pay closer attention to the strength of your compatibility with them and whether they share similar values and visions for the future as you do.

Only Accept Consistent Effort

It really doesn’t matter how many sweet things a guy says to you if their actions can’t back it up. Only accept consistency when it comes to your dating life, or else guys will think it’s perfectly fine to come lingering back into your life when it’s convenient for them and completely disrespect your time.

Me when he genuinely thinks I’m going stick around & be one of his options. LIKE BOY BYE

Act Like the Prize Because You Are the Prize

Prizes don’t chase winners, baby. If you are in the position where you feel like you have to chase after someone to have them, they are not the one. Also, when you deeply believe in and know your own value, you will no longer feel the need to go out of your way to people please. It may seem counter-intuitive, but when you stop trying so hard to make other people like you, it actually makes you a million times more attractive and weeds out the people who are just trying to take advantage of you.


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