Make Your Bed Time Routine Your Favorite Part of Your Day

In our fast-paced lives, finding moments of peace and relaxation is essential for overall well-being. Transforming your bedtime routine into a luxurious and rejuvenating experience can significantly enhance the quality of your sleep and set the stage for a restful night ahead. Here are six simple yet effective tips to elevate your bedtime routine and make it the highlight of your day


Incorporate the power of scent into your bedtime ritual by using essential oils or a soothing room spray. Lavender, chamomile, and jasmine are known for their calming properties and can help promote relaxation and deeper sleep. If you don’t have one already, an oil diffuser is such a game changer because it will literally make it feel like you’re in a spa every night in your room.

Silk Pillow Cases

Upgrade your bedding with silk pillowcases, known for their smooth texture and skin-friendly properties. Not only do they feel indulgent against your skin, but they also help reduce friction and minimize hair breakage while you sleep. Kitsch is one of my go to brands for silk pillow cases & they are super fairly priced, since a lot of brands can be so expensive (pro tip: you can also get and extra 15% off if you use code SNOBBISH15)!

Cute PJs

Treat yourself to a set of cozy and adorable pajamas that you look forward to slipping into each night. Even a comfy robe is the perfect thing to throw on during your pre-bed routine! I used to always be a big t-shirt girl, but once I made the switch to actual PJ sets, I felt a million times more put together.


Consider incorporating melatonin supplements into your bedtime routine, especially if you struggle with occasional sleeplessness or jet lag. Melatonin is a natural hormone that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles and can promote a more restful and rejuvenating sleep experience.

A Wind-Down Beverage

Enjoy a calming herbal tea or a sleepy girl mocktail as part of your wind-down routine to signal to your body that it's time to relax and unwind. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can interfere with sleep quality, and opt for soothing blends like chamomile or peppermint instead. Even having some pretty cups/mugs to put your drink in can help to get you excited each night and enhance your experience.

Blue Light Glasses

Minimize exposure to artificial blue light from electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers by wearing blue light-blocking glasses in the evening. This can help reduce eye strain and improve sleep quality by signaling to your brain that it's time to prepare for sleep.


Get Better Sleep with These Types of Teas
