The Girl Version of the Roman Empire

For those of you who are not chronically online, there has been a recent trend that has emerged on TikTok where people have been asking their boyfriends (or really any men in their lives) how often they think about the Roman Empire. Although this seems like a really odd question to ask, considering the majority of girls probably never think about it ever, apparently this topic crosses the minds of most men way more often than you would think. Men truly are bizarre, but in honor of this trend, here are some things that I feel like would be the female equivalent.

Helen Keller

I really am not sure why or how I even started thinking about Helen Keller so often, but I swear I think about her at least like once a month, maybe even more sometimes. Her story is just so insane and fascinating, like how can you not think about the fact she was both deaf & blind, yet could literally communicate and borderline speak. She’s an icon.

Libby Lu

I don’t care that I am in my twenties, I would truly do anything to go back to Libby Lu. I honestly think about it all the time and am beyond devastated that it ended up closing down. It is my life’s mission to create a petition to bring this joint back because the girls of the next generation & my future daughters NEED to experience the serotonin rush that is Club Libby Lu. Like getting a full on makeover, the matching pop-star outfits, taking home a goody bag of about 10 trillion different bath and beauty products. I now see why we all have grown up to have 15 step skincare routines and an overconsumption problem.

The Ex of Any Guy You’ve Ever Dated

I don’t know the science behind it, but once you start insta-stalking the ex of the guy you are dating, you really just cannot stop. I don’t care if I have not seen or talked to that man in years, I will always still get the nosiest urge to check on what his ex is up to.

Being Able to Pull Your Celeb Crush

Tell me why, but I feel like every girl, including myself, has had many delusional moments where they genuinely believe that if they ran into their celebrity crush that they would be able to actually catch their attention. I truly walk around with such intense main character syndrome believing I can have any man I want. But is it wrong that I don’t necessarily think this is a bad trait? Obviously it’s important to be self-aware, but I always prefer to think big.


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